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Wayfarers of Veeshan • View topic - Patch on June 11

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 Post subject: Patch on June 11
PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 10:28 am 
Former Guild Leader / Elder
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Looks as though there will be a patch on June 11 with lots of goodies, including the shared bank slots. Read all about it at this link:

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 10:49 am 
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The quick spell change will be neat I think for those who have different sets of icons for soloing and grouping. I, for one, look forward to it. :grin:

Min aka Mal et al

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 10:57 am 
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Shared Bank Spaces. Shared Bank Spaces. Shared Bank Spaces. Shared Bank Spaces. Shared Bank Spaces. Shared Bank Spaces. Shared Bank Spaces. Shared Bank Spaces. Shared Bank Spaces. Shared Bank Spaces. Shared Bank Spaces. Shared Bank Spaces. Shared Bank Spaces. Shared Bank Spaces. Shared Bank Spaces. Shared Bank Spaces. Shared Bank Spaces. Shared Bank Spaces. Shared Bank Spaces. Shared Bank Spaces. Shared Bank Spaces. Shared Bank Spaces. Shared Bank Spaces. Shared Bank Spaces. Shared Bank Spaces.

Its all about the Shared Bank Spaces. 8)

Master Artisan Kahmon Feelthenoize
- Fabled 100 Shadow Knight of Cestus Dei Atherius
- Master(300) Jeweler, Chef, Potter, Brewer, Blacksmith, Tailor, Fletcher, Researcher
Vektor - 95 Ranger, Scout Extraordinaire
Kahzbot - 97 Enchanter, Master Spell Researcher & Tinkerer
Kroger - 98 Rogue, Poison Maker, Tome Researcher, and Illusion Collector
Shazbon - 96 Shaman, Master Alchemist
Vendding - 94 Magician

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 10:58 am 
Friend of WoV
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How did I know that the tradeskillers are going to enjoy the shared banks?

Make a LORE item, give it to an alt, make another! :)

I'm going to enjoy going into Teir 2 zones for the hightened XP bonus :)

-- Mindbender Llaffer Outloud
<select name=Skills>
<option>78 past 1750 :)
<option>272 from 2100
<option>Alcohol Tolerance:200

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 11:41 am 
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I have to agree with Kahmon....

Shared Bank Spaces Shared Bank Spaces Shared Bank Spaces Shared Bank Spaces Shared Bank Spaces Shared Bank Spaces Shared Bank Spaces Shared Bank Spaces Shared Bank Spaces Shared Bank Spaces Shared Bank Spaces Shared Bank Spaces Shared Bank Spaces Shared Bank Spaces Shared Bank Spaces Shared Bank Spaces Shared Bank Spaces Shared Bank Spaces Shared Bank Spaces Shared Bank Spaces ...

oh and did you know they was making it so you can have Shared Bank Spaces....:woot:

~~~~ ~~~~
Keepers of the Elements

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 12:48 pm 
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Its more about getting supplies from my mule to make something to transfer to my vendor, then sending the stuff my vendor bought to the right mules. I hope there is some sort of shared bank too. I don't transfer cash very often, but it would be nice to not need to either.

Master Artisan Kahmon Feelthenoize
- Fabled 100 Shadow Knight of Cestus Dei Atherius
- Master(300) Jeweler, Chef, Potter, Brewer, Blacksmith, Tailor, Fletcher, Researcher
Vektor - 95 Ranger, Scout Extraordinaire
Kahzbot - 97 Enchanter, Master Spell Researcher & Tinkerer
Kroger - 98 Rogue, Poison Maker, Tome Researcher, and Illusion Collector
Shazbon - 96 Shaman, Master Alchemist
Vendding - 94 Magician

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 12:50 pm 
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From what I read, no the currency will not be transferable...unless that has changed.

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Keepers of the Elements

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 1:14 pm 
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The way I would transfer cash from my main to my alts:

Buy Platinum Bars (105PP each), enchant them, Buy Rubies (131PP each), combine them.

Give the Ruby Veils to my alts, sell them at a merchant for about 250PP each.

Of course not everyone can do it that way.

If you don't mind taking a 10% loss, just buy a stack of rubies, give them to an alt, and then sell them.

-- Mindbender Llaffer Outloud
<select name=Skills>
<option>78 past 1750 :)
<option>272 from 2100
<option>Alcohol Tolerance:200

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 10:49 am 
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 1:48 pm 
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Hehehe True, it's all run together.. gonna have to separated the spam :roll:

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Pulkaria - 54th level Beastlord (Furry Ranger)
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 2:07 pm 
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Sorry it was the excitement of the moment and I just could not help myself....ohoh ...another wave of excitement coming...

Shared Bank Slots :banana: Shared Bank Slots :banana: Shared Bank Slots :banana: Shared Bank Slots :banana: Shared Bank Slots :banana: Shared Bank Slots :banana: Shared Bank Slots :banana: Shared Bank Slots :banana: Shared Bank Slots :banana: Shared Bank Slots :banana: Shared Bank Slots :banana: Shared Bank Slots :banana: Shared Bank Slots :banana: Shared Bank Slots :banana:

Hope that explains it better now :twisted:

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Keepers of the Elements

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 2:13 pm 
Wayfarer Emeritus
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Shared Bank Slots :spot: :woot: Shared Bank Slots :spot: :woot: Shared Bank Slots :spot: :woot: Shared Bank Slots :spot: :woot: Shared Bank Slots :spot: :woot: Shared Bank Slots :spot: :woot: Shared Bank Slots :spot: :woot: Shared Bank Slots :spot: :woot: Shared Bank Slots :spot: :woot: Shared Bank Slots :spot: :woot: Shared Bank Slots :spot: :woot: Shared Bank Slots :spot: :woot: Shared Bank Slots :spot: :woot: Shared Bank Slots :spot: :woot: Shared Bank Slots :spot: :woot: Shared Bank Slots :spot: :woot:

Master Artisan Kahmon Feelthenoize
- Fabled 100 Shadow Knight of Cestus Dei Atherius
- Master(300) Jeweler, Chef, Potter, Brewer, Blacksmith, Tailor, Fletcher, Researcher
Vektor - 95 Ranger, Scout Extraordinaire
Kahzbot - 97 Enchanter, Master Spell Researcher & Tinkerer
Kroger - 98 Rogue, Poison Maker, Tome Researcher, and Illusion Collector
Shazbon - 96 Shaman, Master Alchemist
Vendding - 94 Magician

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 2:14 pm 
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Ack trader skillers :monkey: Ack trader skillers :monkey:
Ack trader skillers :monkey: Ack trader skillers :monkey:
Ack trader skillers :monkey: Ack trader skillers :monkey:
Ack trader skillers :monkey: Ack trader skillers :monkey:
Ack trader skillers :monkey: Ack trader skillers :monkey:
Ack trader skillers :monkey: Ack trader skillers :monkey:
Ack trader skillers :monkey: Ack trader skillers :monkey:
Ack trader skillers :monkey: Ack trader skillers :monkey:
Ack trader skillers :monkey: Ack trader skillers :monkey:
Ack trader skillers :monkey: Ack trader skillers :monkey:
Ack trader skillers :monkey: Ack trader skillers :monkey:
Ack trader skillers :monkey: Ack trader skillers :monkey:

PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME! :monkey: :banana:

Salyen 57 Conjurer (baron) 1 drop from epic!

Xabthik 40 monk
Slayinsongs 22 bard

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 3:20 pm 
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I am.. so frightened..


 Post subject: why?
PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 4:30 pm 
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Master Artisan Kahmon Feelthenoize
- Fabled 100 Shadow Knight of Cestus Dei Atherius
- Master(300) Jeweler, Chef, Potter, Brewer, Blacksmith, Tailor, Fletcher, Researcher
Vektor - 95 Ranger, Scout Extraordinaire
Kahzbot - 97 Enchanter, Master Spell Researcher & Tinkerer
Kroger - 98 Rogue, Poison Maker, Tome Researcher, and Illusion Collector
Shazbon - 96 Shaman, Master Alchemist
Vendding - 94 Magician

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