I wasn't sure if this belonged here or in the Jester's Court...it's funny in one way, sad in another...
I read Discover Magazine regularly and found this little tidbit buried in a story last month:
"Edward Castronova, an economics professor at California State University at Fullerton, recently calculated that the per capita gross national product of the land of Norrath—part of the Everquest universe (everquest. station. sony.com)—was $2,266, which is on a par with the per capita GNP of Russia. "
This is referring to the actual generation of REAL WORLD money from ONLINE "work". (i.e. The buying and selling, mostly on Ebay using real world money, of high level characters and items as generated through playing EQ).
To read the whole story, go here and under the May 2003 issue, click on "Emerging Technology":
Drexxell ,
71st GNecrOMancEr -- Wielder of (
Druul ,
60th Troll Shaman (
) + Wielder of and
51st Dwarf Priestess of Brell Serilis
36th Erudite Enchantress