Snow is also a wonderful friend of mine, I have traveled the lands of norrath with Snow from sturgling with orc pawns in G-Fay at lvl 5 to getting stompped by sand gaints in oasis(:lol: , thats mainly me

) snow will talk about that times when we where both "nOOBs " sitting on the dock, medding, and for some unknown reason to me I see Snow take off like a bat out of hell!
You Have Been Slain By A Sand Gaint!
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lol 1 out 3 times never seen it commin lol
We have been through crazy trains in unrest where we meet our great friend celeane (A.K.A loull)
(Oh and watching celaene/loull go link dead 45 times in one day lol you think he would have gave up on eq lol)
To the Mill & Sarnak fort in LOIO
But to make a long story of all wonderful journey I have seen with Snow short, It would be a great honor for me to be snows sacrafical ranjaa.
Let the time and place be named of which we go to get snowcap"s epic and this loyal ranger friend will be there with bells on, and with the greatest anticipation of once again hunting with snow and then........
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Laldaas Arrowsligger "Retired" 62nd Season
People knew him as the "Mighty Ranger"
"Never Give Up"
What happens if I take both the red and the blue pill at the same time?