Hello fellow Wov members,
I just wanted to take this time to say that i think this guild is one great guild and im proud to be a part of it . I believe what salyon and others are trying to do in going to higher end gameing is a one great i dea , myself personally had one thing in mind when starting EQ was to win this game (guess thats the 80's gameing in me) ,but theres no winning to it . So my winning is to be the best at this game that i can possibly be ,which is to gain the highest lvl and to get as many AA's as i can get (which will be all of them) one day

,why i dont play alts very much. but putting that asside, the way the guild is progressing now is awesome ,we are all geting to the 60's and we will be able to take down some high lvl bosses ,which i know all of u want to do , i mean who doesnt ,i know people have there different reasons in playing ,but mine is to be the best i can be to mainly help the guild and to win this game , but like i said earlier theres now wining to it why its called EVERQUEST

I've grouped with most of u and i hope in the future i can group with all of u, we have one the best guilds on this server ,but u all already know that

Guess what i'm trying to say here is that i'm proud to be a WoV member and will always be one,and all of u are great.
Now that i finally turned 65 i feel like i've almost won this game, but still far from it ,theres allot more zones to learn allot more friends to find, we are growing strong in numbers and as friends as well as lvls.
I'm sitting here rambling on,but its the truth. Anywho i cant wait till we all are taking down big bosses and takeing out big zones ,looks like a great future for us members of this great guild

Ihope to group with u all in the future