I need 6 peeps that are in their mid 50s (or higher) to help me with an easy kill for my Ranger epic. 3 mobs will spawn in EK at the same time, all of which we must kill. Two are lvl 51 and one is lvl 53. They are all Dark Elves. The trick here is that all 3 must be kept busy, as one will try to kill the Druids (that are close by) if he is not busy. If the Druids get killed, then my lvl 53 quest mob will despawn and I must start over.
I will need two tanks, one mezzer, one slower and hopefully two clerics (or one cleric and one high level druid for heals).
Total time will be less than one hour (30mins if we are all on time). I will have lots of good beer for the victory celebration.
Proposed date is Sun 13th, with an alternate date of Mon 14th.
Start time is 8pm CST, that leaves the rest of the night available for anything else you might have planned.
Meeting place is just inside the EK zone line from NK. We should all be standing on the bridge in EK.