The Hole/Kirn Raid for Lakishawk, 1/30/02, 8pm est
We are going to attempt a Paratrooper entrance to the Bottom of the Hole....
Here is the plan.....
Meet at 7:30, at Hole Entrance, the Pool in Paineel
Channel: vlshammy
Groups made at 8pm Eastern
Assemble for Hole Raid outside of Hole in Paineel, Make Groups, assign groups...
We will need the following to do this....
Clerics & Pallys with Divine Aura Locked and Loaded,
1 or more Necro(s) with Harmshield and a coffin to summon with.
Shadow Knights, Necros with Harmshield to Fight
1 Call of the Hero Mage with Pearls.
1 Enchanter to Mez adds.
1 Master Shammy (Lakishawk)
A Wizard, and/or druids to port out
Ok, we create 2 mini groups,
GROUP1 has 2 clerics, a necro, pallys and a sk.
GROUP2 has 2 clerics, a necro, a sk, CoH Mage, and CoH anchor
Next, the 2 groups, minus anchor and the CoH mage, cast Divine Aura and or Harmshield and make the 20k drop in Paineel, which takes you to the bottom of the Hole. 2 or 3 Mobs will be at the bottom ready to fight when the Parachute Team arrives. The 2 groups kill the 2 or 3 mobs and the area will be safe.
The anchor and the mage zone-in to the Hole, anchor duels the mage,
(as an alternative, CoH mage jumps to his death and gets a clicker Rez)
The necro summons the mage's body to the bottom of the hole, is rezzed.
When mana permits, CoH'ing begins with me as the anchor up above. 18+ people is an ample amount.
Groups are reformed at the bottom of the Hole when CoH'ing is finished.
Everyone is then shrunk to reduce agro.
We then fight up to the Courtyard in the Hole.
Invisability vs Undead will get everyone into Kirns room.
We disppense of 2 surrounding mobs (Kirn will not agro), we then buff and kick Kirn's Ass, We then proceed to get out of Dodge asap...
We will accept 18 people for this Raid. Please Post Below if you would be interested in helping Lakishawk with Kirn.
(The following will work based on the following assumptions... Master Yael is not up, and hanging out where our 20k drop would be. We have the neccesary force and classes to pull it off...)
Other Possible Tragets of opportunity Include Jaeil for Ranger Epic (4 Hour Spawn), Ghost of Kindle for Enchanter Epic (Quick Spawn) and Kirn, a second Time, if Raid Lasts over 4 Hours.
This Raid is an experiment. If successful, we can attempt this many times for all of our Rangers, Shammies and Enchanters.