Just wanted to make a couple thoughts/ suggestions here to all who are going to Hate. 1) be prepared for it to take 2-3 hours to clear the 1st floor alone, 2) the Deathknight is the Primary objective to get killed ASAP, 3) A raid force no longer needs to go to the near the SW corner pull spot any longer,best thing is to pull as much as possible to zone in, then go to Maestro Room pull rest & then take down Maestro,Hand,etc. there,4) after clearing 1st floor of all mobs ... u need to pull the initial mobs from the 2nd down to Maestro Room b-4 u go to establish a camp spot on 2nd,5) Make sure ur on time for the raid,have plenty of food/drink,bring a Hate Stone or 2 to replenish the guilds supply or for emergency usage( this means bring 1 stone to the raid & keep 1 in ur bank for easy access for a CR port up if needed), bring some DOTS,Jasphers,etc for ur buffs(not polite to make the buffers to pay for ur buffs so u can enjoy urself),have a couple coffins ready in case a Necro/SK needs to do ur CR,6) LISTEN-LISTEN-LISTEN..if ur not the Raid Leader dont talk/spam the raid chat channel with we should do this or we should do that,as this makes everyone very unhappy cuz they want to progress ahead instead of what U personally want to see happen.... this goes for being a selfish chatty-kathy about what loots U want ,off what mobs ,,just cuz U want or think U need them in other words dont be a "Whiny Little Loot Ho", keep all ur talk/chat to another seperate raid chat channel & leave the Main Channel always OPEN & CLEAR For Info & Instructions fron the Raid Leader & whoever else he delegates to help him,7) Lastly...and this may offend some but im sorry if it does...with all the raiding that has been done by this guild itself & in conjunction with others, i think its more than time for the Raid Leader to " Boot-Drop-Kick Out-Whatever u wanna Call It" any person attending the raid who is not following the instructions of the Raid Leader on how to do things or is Generally Making A "Pain In The Axx" of himself & ruining the good time/efforts of the Raid, this should be done in private tell to the person in question so as not to start a "War" over it,not dismissing the fact that no one needs to be publicly berated or embarassed over it, as all those in attendance will already know of the person doing it to themselves already.