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Wayfarers of Veeshan • View topic - EJ Dragon- Sat 6/5 at 3CST

Wayfarers of Veeshan

An Everquest Guild on Luclin
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PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2004 4:08 pm 
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I d like to make this a two dragon weekend. I d like to take down a shammy dragon in EJ named . I need

Date: Sat June 5th
Time: 3 CST (4EST, 2MST, 1PST)
Meet: Cabalis stone in PoK
Chan: WoVEJ

Hope to see you all there (if he is up he has a real whacked spawn rate)

~~ Nytanna....LVL 65 Dark Elf Warrior Princess~~
~~ Nytjade.....LVL 63 Dark Elf Cleric ~~
~~ Nytozz.......LVL 31 Dark Elf Rogue ~~
~~ Nytassasinz ..LVL 19 Drakkin Rogue ~~

Last edited by Jade on Wed May 26, 2004 4:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2004 6:42 pm 
Friend of WoV

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WOOHOO a saturday I can make it

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PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2004 8:43 am 
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I plan to attend.

I read that Sev spawns 24 hours after the servers come back up. If anyone notes today when they come up, it might be worthwhile to check on him tomorrow afternoon.

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PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2004 3:37 pm 
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I heard that too Alley. He spawns 24 hours after the sever comes up and stays up for an hour. After that he spawns every 72 hours, providing the severs stay up that long, I think it'll be fun since I think this is one dragon we haven t done as a guild.

~~ Nytanna....LVL 65 Dark Elf Warrior Princess~~
~~ Nytjade.....LVL 63 Dark Elf Cleric ~~
~~ Nytozz.......LVL 31 Dark Elf Rogue ~~
~~ Nytassasinz ..LVL 19 Drakkin Rogue ~~

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2004 12:22 pm 
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I won't be able to make this one at that time. The 5th is our changeover day at work and I will ahve to work from 6am to 6pm EST. If you all are still there, I will be able to get there around 7pm EST or so.

Vaeuryte Moonchaser
70 Overlord

"SUCCESS isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire"
-Arnold Glasgow
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PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2004 1:49 pm 
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Darcasterr will also not be able to attend. She will not be home from work until about 5 CST. :cry: Also, with the patch yesterday, are you sure he will be up on Sat? According to the timeline you quote he should have been up today and not again until Sunday.

Rhennium Chlorride (56 Epic Shaman) 202
Darcasterr (77 Arch Mage) holder of the10th Coldain ring andon her way tolevel 78
Rheniium64 epic Zerker former DragonHunter) with epic 1.0 (currently working towards Epic 1.5hopefully soon holder of the 10th Coldain ring)

Nytjade if needed [ actually belongs to Nytrix ](inactive account)( Darhen (56 enight 55 Warrior
Darkrezz 5362 Cleric
Doc rhenn 74 Cleric
Rhenyt 24 monk
Rhenn66 Wizard
Fendelyn 51-warrior

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PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2004 3:58 pm 
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it is a week from this Sat

~~ Nytanna....LVL 65 Dark Elf Warrior Princess~~
~~ Nytjade.....LVL 63 Dark Elf Cleric ~~
~~ Nytozz.......LVL 31 Dark Elf Rogue ~~
~~ Nytassasinz ..LVL 19 Drakkin Rogue ~~

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 5:40 am 
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Warning this is a random note from the OlBiTtY cO. Viewer Discretion is Advised

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 Post subject: Back up plan
PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 7:09 am 
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 7:37 am 
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Rhennium Chlorride (56 Epic Shaman) 202
Darcasterr (77 Arch Mage) holder of the10th Coldain ring andon her way tolevel 78
Rheniium64 epic Zerker former DragonHunter) with epic 1.0 (currently working towards Epic 1.5hopefully soon holder of the 10th Coldain ring)

Nytjade if needed [ actually belongs to Nytrix ](inactive account)( Darhen (56 enight 55 Warrior
Darkrezz 5362 Cleric
Doc rhenn 74 Cleric
Rhenyt 24 monk
Rhenn66 Wizard
Fendelyn 51-warrior

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 7:55 am 
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Warning this is a random note from the OlBiTtY cO. Viewer Discretion is Advised

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 4:05 pm 
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Maybe your right Darc. If it is ok with Mal we can do that, cos Sunday is his day.

~~ Nytanna....LVL 65 Dark Elf Warrior Princess~~
~~ Nytjade.....LVL 63 Dark Elf Cleric ~~
~~ Nytozz.......LVL 31 Dark Elf Rogue ~~
~~ Nytassasinz ..LVL 19 Drakkin Rogue ~~

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 5:52 pm 
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If he's up Sunday instead of Saturday we can do that and then get Rage.

Rage is, after all, a trigged spawn.


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 5:58 am 
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Either Kry or myself will be around for various dragon action this weekend. Her system is being replaced monday since her other one is just flat kaput, so our solo machine will have to do but Clan Direfrost will taste dragon blood this weekend by gawd!

Kalduen Direfrost
Barbarian Mystic
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 6:10 am 
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I would still like to do Ragefire Saturday, if possible. Preferrably later in the day...5-6ish cst. I have a few friends that wanna participate, but will not be on til later. Then Mj can come with you guys Sunday, and I won't feel guilty about takin his machine :lol: Btw, does anyone have a spare hd?? Gonna throw this one through the window!!! :twisted:

Kryyna Shadowkind, 65 Archon of Innorouk
Kaishaea Thornerose, 54 Monk
Dylea, 24 Mage

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