What an interesting topic. A lot of intersting points of view. I think what we are seeing here is there is no hard and true rule as to what people will do to keep there friends and group members alive. I think that through communtication while raiding and grouping all healing issues can be resloved.
I hate to say it but as a cleric I base all of my healing energy on what is required at the time. As clerics level , gain new spells, add AA points, and add better equipment to their inventory our choices for healing change. Before YaulpV we are pretty much stuck medding and casting CH or HoT not much else for us to do if we want to keep killing mobs at a decent pace. I think during this period of our lives it is very easy for us to get our CH timing down as long as we arn't distracted. After yaulp V it is possible for us to get caught in a bloodlust. Now we have an insane procing hammer, our personal Hp/ac/mana buff and a way to get our mana back as we are standing and fighting. At this point I hate to admit this but it is possible to forget you are the ....ummmm.... healer. Sure was nice to have the back up healer at this point

Now for the way I heal (and this is not set in stone because cause each group is different).
Just thought of something I need to add before I get into this. I use EQwatcher while I play. This program translates My tells to speach, so I am not distracted trying to read the print on the screen in the heat of battle. It also Lets me know when the Mob has been slowed (this is the main reason I use it, the programed says "%T has been slowed". Knowing that the mob has been slowed changes your healing stratagy. The program can be downloaded at EQwatcher.com.
First thing I do is YaulpVI.
Second thing as I do is stun the mob as it comes in and starts fighting. The reason for this is to give the shammy or enc a chance to slow it before it starts ripping into the MT.
After step 2 then I get choices.....at least it's mutiple choice and not essay...doh going to have to finish this later Time to leave