Anybody wanna slay a dragon or two?
Sanctus Aemilius is organizing raids to take down Vox and Nagafen. As always, we welcome the support and participation of anyone and everyone from WoV!

Here are the details on the first raid.
Date, Time, and Place
Vox and Nagafen are on a one-week timer, so the easiest way to catch them is after a server reset. We have one coming up tomorrow, so that's our target:
Nagafen Raid: April 1, 2003
Assembly: 11:00am PST / 7:00pm GMT
Attack: 12:00pm (noon) PST / 8:00pm GMT
Assembly point is the druid rings in Lavastorm Mountains. If you can't arrange a port, meet in Nexus and we'll try to get someone to port you down.
Vox Raid: To be announced later
People Required
Combat Squad
30-40 people, level 45-52
These are the folks who go in toe-to-toe with the dragon. Remember that the dragons cannot be hit by spells if the caster is outside melee range, so you can't nuke from far away. 3-4 clerics and CH-capable druids are essential for healing. Enchanters are essential for slowing and debuffing -- and for Vox, mana sieving. At least two 52 warriors, paladins, or shadow knights as main tank and backup tank -- warriors tend to have better HP, which makes life easier for the clerics, but they can't grab initial aggro as quick as knights. 3-4 bards for resist songs and damage. Everyone else for DPS, debuffing, healing, and general support.
Dungeon Clearing Squad
6-12 people, level 55+
These people can be any level; 55+ is recommended to make things simpler. Their task is easy: get in and kill everything between the dungeon entrance and the dragon. Of particular concern are the Giants that attend upon each dragon. Luckily, the Giants are on a 6-hour+ timer, so once they're killed, we shouldn't have to worry about them for the rest of the raid unless things go REALLY wrong.
Support Squad
various people, level 55+
These folks have support duties on the raid -- things like buffing before the raid members and rezzing afterwards. A high-level monk and rogue are also good for CR's out of the dragon's chamber in case we wipe. Most members will probably be part of the Dungeon Clearing Squad too.
Lots of Cold (for Vox), Fire (for Nagafen), and Magic (for both) resist gear. Everyone other than the main tanks should sacrifice AC and stats if they have to. Ideally, you should never be hit by melee damage, which negates the need for AC. On the other hand, a 500-point fire- or ice-based AE nuke is downright painful no matter what your class, not to mention the dispel and fear effects the dragons generate.
We will get resist buffs and (probably) some mage-summoned resist gear to assist in raising resists, but DO NOT rely exclusively on these. You WILL die in the raid if you can't get your resists way up before buffing and summoned items.
A couple of peridots to help offset buff component costs would be appreciated but not required.
The first drop of the Paladin epic book and the dragon scale for the warrior epic from each dragon is reserved.
All other gear (including additional Paladin books or dragon scales that may drop) is NBG, then roll. That is, all characters who claim a need for an item will roll on it; highest roller takes the item.
You may only roll on ONE item that you need. Win or lose, you cannot roll on others. All loot will be announced soon after the dragon is killed. Pick your item, pipe up when it's called for rolls, and don't try to roll on more than one item. (If no one claims a droppable item, then anyone may roll. These "greed" rolls don't count towards your one "need" roll.)
How is need defined?
For no-drop gear, "need" is defined as "a character that took part in the raid or the clearing and support portion will wear this item, starting immediately, or needs this item for the next step of an epic or equivalent quest." If one of your alts could wear the item, and the alt did not take part in the raid, then you do not have demonstrated need.
For droppable gear, need is defined as, "your character or one of your alts of appropriate level will wear this item or use it for an epic or equivalent." In other words, you may claim "need" if your main doesn't need the item but an alt does. This is on the honor system; don't roll on an item unless you really do have need for it. Again, you're restricted to one item, so make it a good choice.
If no one steps forward to roll on a droppable item based on need, then anyone may roll for it (greed). This does not count towards your one need-based roll.