Breako just posted this on the Heroes website:
Fall 2008 6 Month Objectives
We have made it through another 6 month list, it took us a little longer to get through do to some changes in management and some re-growth over the summer. We made an alliance with WoV and their numbers though small have helped us get what we needed done. I want to congratulate everyone on a job well done. We have struggle on some of the events only to come back and beat them. This is a great feet for any guild.
Here are the new 6 month goals:
1) AG West Farm status 2) AG East/North Down and farm status 3) King Odeen down/Farming FC Events 4) Octa down 5) Solteris Raids
These are some big goals that are set for the next 6 months thing we need to remember though is that we are gaining another 5 levels and new spells and AA's in Oct when SoD comes out. We will more than likely be getting new groupable gear that will help us with some of the DPS and staying alive longer.
You all see that I have added Solteris to this list of tasks to complete in the next 6 months. Well in order to do this we all need to be working on getting our Solteris missions done. This is not something we can do as a raid. The flagging for Solteris is an individual group task only type of thing. So please do not procrastinate getting it done as it is a requirement for everyone to get done or we will never raid it. We do not want to be held up in progression because people are waiting for the Guild to get them their flags in a raid setting because it will not happen and we will be stuck once again. In order for us to progress from this point on every member of the guild needs to do their part to help us achieve this. So please start working on it in your off time.
We are in need of more DPS as we advance through the TSS expansion we are working on. In order to do this we need to get better weapons, make sure the right classes are getting the gear with the correct Effects on it, and picking up some DMG augmentations to add to our weapons along with get newer better weapons for all.
I know it is hard sometimes to look at a piece of gear with some really nice stats and go that would actually be better for such and such class do to its effect, or that would be a better DMG aug for this or that class. Trust me I know I have done it a lot in the past. The thing we need to look at though is the sooner we get those types of gear to the right classes the sooner we can take down newer bigger mobs with even better gear.
We have tried Octa a couple times now and gotten him to 40% on our best attempt. We are not loosing this event because we do not know what to do or because we are missing this or that class. We are losing this event because we just lack the DPS as a Guild at this time. This event and many others in the expansions we are getting into are mass DPS event the more the better. We now know what is required to get these events down. It takes a lot of DPS put on the mob at one time. It also takes a lot of coordination with the entire raid to be able to pull off events like that.
Short Term Goals
I want to set some short term goals to look at so that we are not overwhelmed with the 6 month goals that I have posted. These goals; I feel we as a guild can achieve in the next month or so if we continue to work hard and continue kicking but like we have been.
1 Sothgar on farm status
2 Ashengate East down/ farm
3. King Odeen Down / farm
These are all goals that are easily achievable in the next month.
Let's buckle down and get the faction done for Ashengate East so that we do not have the number problems we have had in the past with West. The less we have to deal with piggy backing people into a zone the more time we have to deal with the mobs in that zone and getting the strategies down to a science. While working on these factions we also need to have North and also are in need of getting Frostcrypt faction to Ally.