Former Guild Leader / Elder |
Joined: Tue Jun 18, 2002 3:03 am Posts: 10906 Location: the Greater Faydark
Magelo: 500172
Scheduled to begin 3/14/2006 7:00 PM central
Host: Legeran and Alliance Raiders
Starts in PoP: Tower of Solusek Ro.
Additional details: Since we can't get the zone to stay up while attacking the minis, we are going to skip them for now and go into the chamber for Sol Ro's head. Tower piggies will not be allowed on this raid (if you can't get in get the efreeti heart between now and then), but chamber piggies are not an issue. You just need to be able to zone into Sol Ro's Tower. We will meet 30 minutes early at the zone-in of the Tower.
If we move quickly through the chamber, we will proceed to Halls of Honor B and take down Mithaniel Marr. Standard piggy rules will apply to this raid.